Our people

The Campaign for Shared Parenting is supported by the following people and organisations.

Founder: Will Davis

Will has campaigned for a change in family law to enshrine the concept of a rebuttal presumption of shared parenting for three years, most recently as Head of Campaigns and Lobbying for FNF Both Parents Matter (Cymru) He has also worked alongside other charities and organisations which share the same goal.  Through being the proud father of a little girl, he has seen at first-hand how children can greatly benefit from living with both parents – even if they are no longer in the same home.

Will Davis

Will has met with several MPs and key stakeholders to push family law reform and the concept of shared parenting. As well as successfully persuading companies to change their advertising slogans to reflect that parenting is gender-neutral, he has also got some coverage for the cause in the media through a growing number of sympathetic contacts there.

Will set up the Campaign for Shared Parenting as he felt that there needs to be an umbrella organisation to harness the campaigning and lobbying efforts of sympathetic groups, individuals and charities to all push towards bringing about a ‘rebuttal presumption’ of shared parenting and equal parenting time in a new family justice bill.

See Will talking about the campaign below:-

The Case For Shared Parenting: Will Davis – YouTube

Supporters (alphabetical by surname)

Trish Barry-Relph

Trish is a Child & Family Consultant, Specialist Systemic Family Psychotherapist, Play Therapist, ISW & Expert Witness. She has been in private practice as a Psychodynamic Psychotherapist for 35 years & is Founder of Co-Parenting Matters trishbarryrelph.com Trish’s has consulting rooms in Guildford at Brighter Spaces www.brighterspacesuk.com She has a dedicated interdisciplinary team of professionals. Trish offers a culturally sensitive specialised high conflict programme to separated parents and their children, bespoke therapeutic services to children suffering from CAPRD (child affected by parental relationship distress) and estrangement, alignment and parental alienation has been instructed by the Family Court as a specialist in these areas.

 Trish has 40 years’ experience as a social worker and senior manager in Children’s Services and CAMHS in the South West, South East and London.

Trish Barry-Relph

Belinda Brown

Belinda Brown is a researcher, writer and speaker on family issues. She is author of ‘The Private Revolution and ‘Valuing Informal Care’  (which she co-authored with her husband Geoff Dench). 

She is Patroness of both the Scottish Family Party and also of Men and Women Working Together and is Advisor for Mothers at Home Matter.

Belinda Brown

Alison Bushell

Alison worked with the homeless and as a child and families and adults social worker and then as a Children’s Guardian for 20 years, mainly in London.  She currently works as an Independent Social Worker and Expert Witness.

Having done that much time ‘at the coal face’ and becoming rather disillusioned with the ‘social engineering’ aspect of much statutory social work, she then set up her  small social work consultancy (Child and Family Solutions Ltd) in 2010, focusing on reporting to the Court in high-conflict separations and working to help kids and parents affected by parental alienation. 

She is a strong advocate for shared parenting and believes that a presumption of 50:50 care is an essential starting place in seeking fairer and more child focused outcomes for separating families.

Alison Bushell

Emma Johnson

Emma Johnson is a business journalist, gender equality activist, #1 best-selling author of The Kickass Single Mom (Penguin), and founder of Wealthysinglemommy.com, the world’s largest platform for single moms.

A former Associated Press reporter, Emma has been featured on New York Times, Wall Street Journal, CNN, Headline News,  CNBC, NPR, TIME, O, The Oprah Magazine, The Doctors, and many more. 

Emma frequently speaks on women’s issues, including at the United Nations Summit for Gender Equality. She is founder of Moms for Shared Parenting, an activist organization aimed at making equally shared parenting the norm in both culture and policy.

Emma grew up in Sycamore, Ill., and lives in New York City, with her kids.

Emma Johnson

Dr. Anna Machin

Anna Machin is an evolutionary anthropologist, writer and science communicator and author of ‘The Life of Dad – The Making of the Modern Father’  Anna is world-renowned for her pioneering work exploring the science and anthropology of fatherhood and her cross-disciplinary interpretation of human love which she explored at the Institute for Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology at the University of Oxford.

Anna Machin

Erin Pizzey

Erin Pizzey is the founder of Women’s Aid and the first refuge for battered women and children in the world (1971).

Erin Pizzey

Affiliated charities and organisations:-

FNF Both Parents Matter (Cymru) The charity uses its network of volunteers who provide information, support and advice to parents and grandparents facing child contact problems.

Men and Women Working Together (MWWT) A new charity set up to campaign for gender equality and to champion causes that are of mutual benefit for both men and women.

Shared Parenting Scotland A small Scottish charity, for the relief of parents and their children and other close family members living in Scotland or having a family member in Scotland who are suffering from the consequences of divorce or separation by providing advice, assistance and other support and, in so doing, helping parents stay in touch with their children after divorce or separation

MATCH is a charity that offers non-judgemental support and information to mothers apart from their children in a wide variety of circumstances.

Bristol Grandparents Support Group A charity to support Grandparents and grandchildren in maintaining a relationship following family breakdown.