Relevant organisations

These groups and organisations have connections with the Separating Families /Family Court Reform process.

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  1. Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS): An independent organization that represents the best interests of children in family court proceedings.
  2. Family Law Bar Association: An organization that represents barristers who specialize in family law and works to promote the best interests of children in family court proceedings.
  3. Family Mediation Council: A UK-wide organization that promotes and regulates family mediation, a process that helps separating parents reach agreements about arrangements for their children and finances.
  4. Family Solutions Group: A multi-disciplinary group of professionals who work with parents and children from separated families.
  5. Families Need Fathers: Helping children and families to retain positive relationships after separation or divorce.
  6. MATCHmothers: A charity that offers non-judgemental support and information to mothers apart from their children in a wide variety of circumstances.
  7. National Association of Child Contact Centres (NACCC): An umbrella organisation which sets the National Standards to which Child Contact Centres must work. 
  8. NAGALRO: National Association of Guardians ad Litem and Reporting Officers, They support and represent Guardians and reporting officers, who act as independent voices for children in the family courts.
  9. National Parents Organization (NPO): US based organisation to improve the lives of children & strengthen society by protecting every child’s right to the love & care of both parents after separation or divorce.
  10. Nuffield Foundation: A charitable organization that funds research and policy development in areas including family justice and child welfare.
  11. Nuffield Family Justice Observatory: Improves the lives of children and families by putting data and evidence at the heart of the family justice system.
  12. Resolution: A national organization of family lawyers and other professionals who promote a non-confrontational approach to resolving family disputes.
  13. Two Wishes: An international non-profit organisation dedicated to the well-being of children and families and to re-imagining family breakdown, for the sake of our kids.
  14. Shared Parenting Scotland: Provides advice, assistance and other support in Scotland to those suffering from the consequences of divorce or separation.